Publishing Components to Your Site’s Navigation

You’ve put some great work into those pages! Now let’s get them into your website’s navigation for the world to see!

Publish Standard Navigation

  1. From within the Client Area, beneath the tools icon, choose “Edit Your Website Content”.


  1. In the left sidebar, under “Administrative”, choose “Manage Navigation”.
  2. Under “Available Navigation”, hover over the component you’d like to include in the navigation. When a “+” appears, click it & complete the pop-up display’s options.


  1. Once the component is located in the appropriate navigation column, you can adjust its order by dragging up or down.
  2. When all of your navigation edits are complete, you’ll want it reflected on your website. Click “Publish”, check the appropriate boxes & save your work.


Publish Dynamic Navigation

  1. From within the Client Area, beneath the tools icon, choose “Edit Your Website Content”.


  1. In the left sidebar, under “Administrative”, choose “Manage Navigation”.
  2. Under “Available Navigation”, hover over the component you’d like to include in the navigation. When a “+” appears, click it & complete the pop-up display’s options.


  1. There are 3 types of possibilities for your dynamic navigation:
    1. Button- This is a main navigation item as a clickable button. To add drop downs to this type of button you can use the menu row option to add additional drop downs.
    2. Menu Row- This makes the component you have selected a drop down under the column of your choice.
    3. Dynamic- Several Pages offer this feature. Choosing this will create dynamic drop down menus for you. Your component could be named Gym Info or Programs and then have sub
  2. Once the component is located in the appropriate navigation column, you can adjust its order by dragging left or right.
  3. When all of your navigation edits are complete, you’ll want it reflected on your website. Click “Publish”, check the appropriate boxes & save your work.


How about my members navigation?

To adjust your members-only navigation, above “Available Navigation”, simply click the “Members” button. Build its navigation in the same manner. You can toggle back to the public navigation by clicking the “Public” button.