Create An Enrollment-Based Invoice

An enrollment-based invoice simply pre-fills your new invoice with all the enrollment particulars, such as price and accounting’s ‘Income Category’ & ‘Income Program’. These values can certainly be overridden. Pre-filling just makes the process a little easier.

If you’d prefer to start from scratch & create a general invoice, check that out here. Or you might consider creating a mass invoice that invoices a whole slew of clients. You can find that in the main menu under “Tools / Mass Invoice”. And since we haven’t written that article yet, if you can’t manage it on your own, give us a shout!

Add an enrollment-based invoice to an account.

  1. Locate the account you’d like to invoice.
  2. Hover over the heading dropdown menu and select ‘Statements’.


  1. Hover over ‘Add’ to display a list of additional options.
  2. Under the ‘Invoice’ block of options, select ‘Enroll-Based’.


  1.  Simply select the enrollment from which to base your invoice.


  1. Update the ‘Amount’, ‘Notes’, and any other information as needed.


  1. If necessary, alter any pre-filled accounting information.


  1. Click ‘Add’ to save your changes.



Pa-dow! You got this!